None of us hadn’t experienced finding inside the fridge a dying
fruit or leftovers from two days ago with unpleasant smell and
you’re concerned about eating them, Is it poisoned ??, Is it
spoiled ??
It’s a matter of confusion somehow when getting upon these
terms (poisonous, spoiled)
Commonly, any change occurs physically (softening, browning),
chemically (giving unpleasant odor) that is undesired or unfit for
human consumption.
What may cause spoilage??
Normal enzymatic action(autolysis): May cause cells to damage itself and decompose.
Microbiologically: this the most common factor related to spoilage.
Chemically: to get into contact with external chemical agent that may cause a change to
the food.
What factors affecting the spoilage of food?
They include:
1) Water activity: almost all fresh food has a very high-water content.
2) Environmental condition: The exposure to of food temperature, oxygen or even
small amount of moisture can trigger a series of damages.
3) Packaging and storage: a key factor to ensure weather food is protected as it
provides protection against the entry of microorganisms, dust, dirt, insects.
Physical: By getting undesirable substances into the food to be consumed.
The common result of consuming or eating spoiled food is getting sick or (poisoned)
with one or several of the following symptoms:
(Vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, mild fever, weakness)
And in shorts:
Food spoilage: related mainly to FOOD.
Food poisonous: related mainly to HUMAN who consumed that food.